ST Labs: Sonification Lab at Georgia Tech


The Sonification Lab at Georgia Tech 

Lab director: Dr. Bruce Walker


Location: Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA

Lab website:

The Georgia Tech Sonification Lab is an interdisciplinary research group based in the School of Psychology and the School of Interactive Computing at Georgia Tech. Under the direction of Prof. Bruce Walker, the Sonification Lab focuses on the development and evaluation of auditory and multimodal interfaces, and the cognitive, psychophysical and practical aspects of auditory displays, paying particular attention to sonification. Special consideration is paid to Human Factors and Human-AI Interaction in informative displays in "complex task environments," such as the human-computer interfaces in automated vehicles, VR and AR devices in dynamic real-world environments, and in technology training and mastery programs. Since we specialize in multimodal and auditory interfaces, we also work with people who cannot see traditional visual displays. This means we work with generating and optimizing assistive devices.

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