ST Research Labs

HFES Surface Transportation Technical Group (STTG) is gathering data about labs that focus on surface transportation related research. We would like to use this information to create a directory in the STTG blog to increase awareness among students and researchers about on-going surface transportation research, and potential employment opportunities.

Below is a list of research labs. Please click on each link to get more information about the lab. This will be updated as we receive more input.

  1. Mind Music Machine Lab at Virginia Tech
  2. Sonification Lab at Georgia Tech
  3. Behavior, Accessibility, and Technology (BAT) Lab at San Jose State University
  4. Human Systems Lab at the University of Windsor
  5. Tufts Applied Cognition Lab at Tufts University
  6. Human-Automation Collaboration (HAC) Laboratory at Rice University
  7. Human Factors and Applied Statistics (HFASt) Laboratory at the University of Toronto
  8. Dynamic Research Inc.
  9. Human Factors and Machine Learning Lab at the University of Wisconsin - Madison
  10. Applied Cognitive Performance Lab at Old Dominion University
  11. Human-Centered Engineering Lab at Oakland University
  12. Safe, Empathetic, & Trustworthy technologies (SET) Lab at the University of Michigan - Dearborn

Interested in being featured here? Access this google form and please fill out the information requested! 

Link to google form:

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