Surface Transportation Sessions at HFES 2012

The STTG is pleased to announce its program for the 2012 Annual Meeting
This year we earned six lecture sessions–two more than last year–and one discussion panel.

Our lectures start Tuesday morning at 10:30. Under the umbrella of “Driver Distraction and Drowsy Driving,” we’ll hear about trends in driver distraction, reading while driving, mobile phone dialing, text messaging, and detection of drowsiness.

Tuesday afternoon’s presenters will discuss driver assistance systems. Topics include supplemental sounds for hybrid vehicles, automatic braking, active lane-change correction systems, and several innovative warning systems.

Driver Visual Behavior is the theme for the Wednesday afternoon session. Headlight glare, rearview camera displays, and detection of traffic signs are among the topics.

Thursday’s sessions begin at 8:30 with an exploration of New Methods for Data Analysis and Design. Techniques include rapid prototyping, agent-based modeling, task analysis, and more. After lunch, speakers will explore the controversial topic of Driver Attitudes Toward Monitoring, with a focus on commercial drivers.

We do hope you will plan to stick around for our two Friday sessions. The morning session, Driving Simulators and Vehicle Interiors, includes comparisons of scenarios across simulators, vehicle-to-vehicle communication, and two new approaches to applying anthropometry to vehicle interior design. Friday afternoon features the STTG’s only discussion panel for the year. Raja Parasuraman will chair the conversation about Reducing Major Rule Violations in Commuter Rail Operations.

The full session schedule is online at Click the Browse button at the middle of the page. From there, use the Technical Group drop-down menu to select Surface Transportation.

Thanks to Program Chair Greg Fitch and all the reviewers who contributed time and expertise to selecting this year's featured papers. See you in Boston!

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