Internship: Aviation Human Factors Engineering at the FAA in New Jersey

Spectrum Software Technology (SST) and our partner Behavioral Science Associates (BSA) provide usability and Human Factors (HF) engineering design, and research and software development expertise, to Federal aviation and defense agencies, and to private industry.

We currently have a unique paid opportunity for a summer intern interested in human factors and usability engineering in aviation and air traffic management. This position is located at the William J. Hughes Technical Center of the FAA near Atlantic City, New Jersey. The Tech Center is one of the nation’s premier aviation research and development institutions, and its Human Factors researchers conduct high-caliber, globally recognized work. We combine research and reality with opportunities to publish in top HF journals and conference proceedings, while applying our results in the near term, in the real operational environment.

You will be responsible for a variety of Human Factors engineering functions under direct supervision, and apply knowledge of human capabilities and limitations to the design, development, implementation, and acquisition of processes, concepts, systems, and work environments with the aim of improving the performance, usability, and safety of the National Airspace System.

Internship tasks may include the following: literature reviews; computer human interface (CHI) analyses; requirements definition and evaluation; cognitive walkthroughs; heuristic evaluations; usability evaluations, human performance studies; measurement of situation awareness, workload and performance; human-in-the-loop studies using high fidelity operational simulations; ergonomic evaluations; and kinematics research.

This internship requires a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree (Master’s preferred) in Psychology or Engineering, or other field, with relevant HF-related coursework. Candidate should ideally be working toward an advanced degree in HF or a related field. This is an opportunity to gain knowledge and experience in applying human factors and usability principles to help evolve the safety and efficiency of air transportation. Please submit your resume in confidence with “HFE Internship” in the email subject line to Mr. Sid Leung at If you do not wish to apply to this position, but know a person who might be interested, please forward this information to the individual.

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