Call for Participation: "Workshop on "Developing Partnership and Advancing Driving Research" [in-vehicle user interfaces and applications]

Call for Participation 
Workshop on "Developing Partnership and Advancing Driving Research"

Michigan Tech, USA, May 28, 2015

For further information, visit:

Michigan Tech Transportation Institute (MTTI) hosts the first workshop on "Developing Partnership and Advancing Driving Research". We would like to invite researchers and practitioners interested in in-vehicle user interfaces and applications. This workshop aims to (1) identify plausible research projects and collaborators for each identified project, (2) introduce possible funding agencies and proposal submission logistics, and (3) plan and schedule activities that will culminate in competitive proposal submission. 

After the keynote speech, each participant will briefly introduce his or her research areas and specialties. All participants will also have a chance to discuss collaborations and ideas with every other participant in short conversations. Then, we will have subgroups and discuss plausible research topics and ideas. After the workshop, we will follow up each special interest group with competitive proposals to secure external funding. This workshop will also be a good learning and networking opportunity for graduate students or researchers who have recently started their journey in the driving research domain.   

Guest Speakers
- Andrew Kun (University of New Hampshire)
- Bruce Walker (Georgia Tech)
- Andreas Riener (Johannes Kepler University Linz)
- Collin Castle (Michigan Department of Transportation)

Topics of Research projects include, but are not limited to: 
- Connected vehicle research synchronizing multiple simulators
- Design of multimodal in-vehicle technologies (auditory, tactile/haptic, etc.)  
- Countermeasures against aggressive driving
- Eco-driving applications
- Driver affect detection and mitigation
- Wearable computers (glass, watch, etc.) and driving
- Simulation research of grade crossings
- Collective transportation information planning and simulation
- Developing a driving education program for youth or older drivers
- Building virtual worlds in the simulator 
- Developing in-vehicle companions (speech-based systems, agents, or robots)
- In-vehicle interaction based on BCI (brain-computer interfaces)
- Effects of sleep deprivation on driving
- Driver comfort measure and improvements (seat, noise, heat, etc.) 
- Assistive ITS for older drivers
- Vehicle hacking and cybersecurity
- Driver state and workload measures with new devices (fNIRS, EEG, etc.) 

There is no registration fee, but an RSVP is preferred to prepare for food and others. Please RSVP to Steven Landry, assistant organizer,, by April 30th (Thursday).    
Catered lunch and wine & cheese reception will be provided. the day before and after, the Mind Music Machine Lab will also have a demo session on research facilities, including multiple driving simulators, robots, and virtual environment.

Participants, who want to present their research interests and skill sets, can send a single power point slide to Steven Landry, assistant organizer,, by May 14th (Thursday). 
However, this is not mandatory. You can also attend without any presentation.

This workshop is hosted by Michigan Tech Transportation Institute, Department of Cognitive and Learning Sciences, and Department of Computer Science. 

Michigan Tech is located in Houghton, MI, rated as one of the Top 10 summer travel destinations, as well as one of the Top 10 outdoor adventure sports in the country for our bike trails, Olympic-caliber cross country ski trails, Lake Superior shoreline, and numerous inland lakes.

Looking forward to seeing you in Houghton in May,
Workshop Organizers: Myounghoon "Philart" Jeon, Steven Landry, and Jayde Croschere

If you have any questions, just email me, 

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