Nominations Extended for the Stephanie Binder Young Professional Award, 2015

Stephanie Binder Young Professional Award, 2015

Sponsored by: HFES-STTG (Human Factors & Ergonomics Society - Surface Transportation Technical Group)

Stephanie Binder was 35 years old when she tragically passed away in 2011. She was a human factors engineer at NHTSA and played a vital role in the Department’s efforts to combat distracted driving. She was the primary author of NHTSA’s overall driver distraction plan, and played a leading role in both of the USDOT’s Distracted Driving Summits.

To honor Stephanie’s memory and her impact on the field, the Surface Transportation Technical Group (STTG) of the Human Factors & Ergonomics Society (HFES) confers an annual Young Professional Award to a young human factors professional who demonstrates outstanding contribution to transportation human factors.


Nominations are now open for the 2015 award.

  • 35 years old or younger (as of date of nomination).
  • Employed full time (in academia, industry, or government) in a surface transportation related field for at least two years.

Consideration criteria:
  • Research: Advancing transportation human factors as demonstrated by journal articles, conference proceedings, technical reports, or product releases
  • Outreach/Education: Demonstration of service to the human factors community. Examples include outreach to K-12, college students, or human factors professionals; workshops/seminars to the human factors community.
  • Other significant contributions to the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society or other professional/technical societies.

Nominees can directly apply or be nominated by a colleague. To submit a nomination, please include:
  • A brief summary of the nominee’s qualifications, including three reasons for consideration.
  • A curriculum vitae, resume, or comprehensive bio-sketch of the nominee, including names of at least two references.

Awards will be conferred at the Annual Business Meeting of the HFES-STTG on Oct 28, 2015, at the HFES Annual Conference in Los Angeles.

Nominations accepted until Wednesday, 

October 21st, 2015

Please email nominations or questions to: Linda Ng Boyle (, Chris Monk (, Anuj K Pradhan (

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