Nominations open for STTG Chair, Program Chair and Webmaster


Dear HFES members and STTG friends,
It's election time! We are looking for nominees for each of the following positions:
  • TG Chair (2 year term)
  • Program Chair Elect (1 year term)
  • Webmaster (2 year term)
Positions will become effective at the close of the 2022 TG business meeting, which is scheduled to be held virtually before the annual meeting. You may nominate yourself or a colleague. If you nominate someone else, please check to be sure that the person is willing to run. Following HFES rules, nominees for the TG Chair and  Program Chair Elect must be Full Members of HFES and members of the TG. The webmaster position can be filled by any TG member.
Please reply to me with nominations by September 2nd, 2022. Election ballots will be emailed shortly after the close of the nomination cycle.
Position Descriptions:
  • Chair: The TG chair has overall responsibility to ensure that the group meets its minimum requirements. The chair works with the HFES executive director in scheduling the TG's annual business meeting and arranging other events; with the webmaster and newsletter editor regarding the timing and content of online materials; and with other officers to ensure that TG activities are being carried out. The chair also represents the TG as a member of the Council of Technical Groups.
  • Program Chair: Responsible for organizing the technical review of proposals submitted for the HFES Annual Meeting as well as selecting the STTG student paper award.
  • Webmaster: Responsible for maintaining the STTG website and Linkedin group. The website and Linkedin group are vital links between a TG's officers and its members, and its quality and frequency are often associated with members' level of satisfaction with their TG affiliation.

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