Stephanie Binder Young Professional Award, 2022

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HFES-STTG (Human Factors & Ergonomics Society - Surface Transportation Technical Group)

Stephanie Binder was 35 years old when she tragically passed away in 2011.  She was a human factors engineer at NHTSA and played a vital role in the Department's efforts to combat distracted driving. She was the primary author of NHTSA's overall driver distraction plan, and played a leading role in both of the USDOT's Distracted Driving Summits.

To honor Stephanie's memory and her impact on the field, the Surface Transportation Technical Group (STTG) of the Human Factors & Ergonomics Society (HFES) confers an annual Young Professional Award to a young human factors professional who demonstrates outstanding contribution to transportation human factors.

Nominations are now open for the 2022 award.


  • 35 years old or younger (as of date of nomination).
  • Employed full time (in academia, industry, or government) in a surface transportation related field for at least two years beyond degree completion (currently enrolled students are not eligible).
  • Open to anyone globally who meets these qualifications.

Consideration criteria:

  • Research: Advancing transportation human factors as demonstrated by journal articles, conference proceedings, technical reports, or product releases
  • Outreach/Education: Demonstration of service to the human factors community. Examples include outreach to K-12, college students, or human factors professionals; workshops/seminars to the human factors community.
  • Other significant contributions to the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society or other professional/technical societies.

Nominees can directly apply or be nominated by a colleague. To submit a nomination, include:

  • A brief summary of the nominee's qualifications, including three reasons for consideration.
  • A curriculum vitae, resume, or comprehensive bio-sketch of the nominee
  • Two letters of recommendations (do not include more than two letters so that each person is evaluated equally)

All filenames for the submission package should include the nominee's name (e.g, LBoyle_CV.pdf)

Awards will be conferred at the Annual Business Meeting of the HFES-STTG, at the HFES 66th Annual Conference.

Nominations are now being accepted until Friday, Sept 2, 2022


Please email nominations or questions to: Linda Ng Boyle ( and Ke Liu (  Include the following on the subject line:  'Nominee for Stephanie Binder Award' with first and Last name of nominee.

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